Persistence And Why We Should Do It

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“I will come after. Even if you cut off my arms and my legs, I’ll crawl out of you. I will chase after you and crawl after you like a worm. I won’t stop until I get you.” – Some edgy quote I found somewhere that I might have made or simply miss remembered and added my own thing to it.

That quote, while completely extreme, is the mindset that I believe will make people be successful in life (just, you know, try to avoid getting your hands and legs ripped off, that doesn’t sound nice). This means that you will look towards a single goal and chase after it relentlessly. To keep going on to get to your goal even when it seems like the whole world is against you accomplishing the goal. Even when you are going through hardships and seem to be suffering to achieve your goals you still continue going forward because you k ow your goals are worth pursuing.

I mean sure it seems cliched to say that someone should continue to move forward beyond pain, but honestly that is one of the hardest things to do.

I mean besides the physical strain of having to continue to achieve your goals. Besides the sacrifices you need to make (both small and great) to become great or reach your goals or just be the best you, there are also the emotion and social strains and sacrifices that have to be made. Sacrifices that people don’t want to make.

Nobody want to be alone all of the time (not even the world’s most introverted introvert), no one wants to have to go through emotional strain. Unfortunately, when it comes to becoming great you can’t be great until you do go through those things at some level (most of the time there are some people who somehow manage to find a way to be great without those strains). You might only have to go through a little strain like pulling all-nighters to having to go through a lot of strain that causes actual physical strains to go farther.

I’m not saying that you need to go through to become a great person all I am saying is that you should not be against having to feel strain.

There are some people in the world who have the potential to be great. There are people in the world who if they tried just a little, they could do great and amazing things in this world. These people, these genius seeds, never grow and become the great people they could be because they don’t want to struggle. When they start to struggle, when things start to be hard and get tough, they leave and go to the easier paths that are available for them.

This is what I see as the greatest tragedy in the world. I was once told that a cemetery is the richest place in world because all the abilities of the corpses in the graves are things that could have made a lot of change in the world. With that being said I think there are many demi-corpses in this world. There are many people who are just existing and not living people who are just going from one day to another. People who don’t want to go through what they consider too stressful, so they just float around the world and do nothing.

The only way to know how brave someone will be until they are facing the end of a spear. There are people who will be brave and say that they are willing to go through everything but when it comes time to go through the hardship they bail out and more people need to stop that trend.

I personally think that we should try to persevere through everything even though we wouldn’t want to. Afterall it is only after it goes through pressure that carbon becomes diamonds (or at least that is what I know about that process through the little pseudo-science I know).

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Published by The Lion's pen

aspiring author putting my words out into the world. I really hope you enjoy it, if you don't give me some criticism and i will take it into consideration (and please don't just say you suck and should give up writing or anything like that telll me what i suck at, and saying i suck a writing in general doesn't count.)

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