My Thought On Cancel Culture

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As someone who spends a not inconsiderate time on the internet it really wasn’t hard for me to find a lot of information about cancel culture. What I found out about cancel culture is that, at least to me, is that the entire thing seems to be a knee jerk reaction to things that feel wrong.

And that is the major detractor I have about cancel culture: If it feels wrong then you act.

This means that the entire crux of the cancel culture mob is that you are (or at least you believe that you are and that you should be) morally superior to the other person, the person that you are cancelling, which is something that is not always true.

The things is that when I saw some people talk about how bad cancel culture is someone tends to bring up the #Metoo movement and all the good it does (or I could have just been circulating the same space I don’t know). I agree that the #Metoo movement was something that was great, and it helped so many people out. The way businesses, celebrities, people and the government came together to make sure that these people (and I struggle to call someone who would do something like that a person) who abused their power are made accountable for their actions.

The thing about cancel culture is that in a post #Metoo movement businesses don’t want to take a chance so they will cut someone off the second it looks like they are too controversial. This means that if the internet decides that a person is wrong they will make a big deal about it, the hashtags will start to trend and if enough people talk about it the businesses will cut the person off, the media will go to town on a person and someone’s life will be ruined.

The thing is that the internet does not wait for all the facts and information to come out and when all the information comes out most people don’t want to be wrong, so they dig their heels in and stand their ground even when they are wrong. Unfortunately, when many people are wrong and dig their heels in and they keep trying to silence their opposition, the only thing that the corporation will see is the opposition and someone’s life will be ruined, they will lose their source of income and depending on how far things go they can never get back up.

The thing is that even if a person is proven to be innocent, the thing that I have noticed is, the media does not cover the news of the person’s innocence the way they covered their guilt. They don’t show the true facts of their innocence the way they show the presumed facts of their ‘guilt’. They don’t try to show how good a person the way they tried to spin their every word to show how bad that they are. They are outspoken at the illusion of guilt than they are at the reality of innocence. It is almost as if people should be punished for being guilty and that innocence should be the reward for being innocent.

Cancel culture does not cure the problem it hides it and limiting speech does not solve the problem it just makes it hard to know where the problem is. I mean sure all the people that don’t like won’t say to your face that they don’t like you, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t feel it. I don’t know about you but I would rather know if someone hates me and leave that toxic situation than have someone hate me privately and trying to make my life miserable and quit (who knows maybe by being open they will piss off the wrong person and shoot themselves in their foot).

With that being said I think we should try to speak each other and even if we don’t agree with each other we should try to find common grounds with each other.

If people abuse the power they are given over someone then you should try to get them out of that position of power as soon as possible, but if someone makes an insensitive tweet you should let them know what they did wrong (without insulting and trying to pull them down) and try to get them to change.

More communication and less abrasiveness.

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Published by The Lion's pen

aspiring author putting my words out into the world. I really hope you enjoy it, if you don't give me some criticism and i will take it into consideration (and please don't just say you suck and should give up writing or anything like that telll me what i suck at, and saying i suck a writing in general doesn't count.)

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