Seeing Beyond Now

“A peaceful mind gives life to the body, but jealousy rots the bones.”
Proverbs 14:30

After talking to my mother, it was brought to my attention that I am not a jealous person.

She said that this is a trait that she has always been proud of and wishes for me to keep my whole life. I am glad to have done that, but my main issue is that I never understood why I had to be jealous of the things that others have.

Like in high school we had a poetry competition and I didn’t win, heck I wasn’t even in thee top 3, but one of my friends did. I was jealous of him…for about a minute before I realised that I only wrote the poem I submitted the day before and I had no idea how long he spent on his. That made me stop being jealous pretty quick.

That is how I have been my entire life.

I didn’t get into university immediately? I know my study habits and I know exactly why that happened. I don’t have a job while my friend just got promoted in his? Well, he was seriously job searching while I was watching anime. An acquaintance I know has become successful with ideas I have in my head? Well, I should get the ideas out of my head and work on them and if I don’t I have no reason to feel jealous.

It is something that I notice I do a lot. I don’t just take in the moment I look beyond it past and future.

Going back to my family, someone brought up the fact that my siblings had new phones and I didn’t. I have no idea why, but I assume most other would feel jealous in that moment or something, but not me. I knew why they had those phones (they either lost or broke the phones they had making me who didn’t break my phone have the oldest model) and I said it instantly. Someone else brought up the fact that my little sibling had a car before me (because she needed it for school) and asked when I was going to get one (probably to get me angry or something) and I just said the reason she had it and not me.

My mother said that things like that have ruined relationships that people have, but I don’t understand how that is possible. I know why it happens and I know the feelings behind these feelings, but I don’t understand them.

If you know why something is happening why would you still be upset that you are not getting the thing being talked about.

I guess what I am saying is that being jealous does nothing for anyone. See the good around you and rejoice with those it is happening to. If you do have jealousy issues you need to actively calm yourself and work out the reason why they got what they want and if it was positive (as in you’re not unnecessarily destroying things or putting lives and livelihoods at risk) go for it.

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Published by The Lion's pen

aspiring author putting my words out into the world. I really hope you enjoy it, if you don't give me some criticism and i will take it into consideration (and please don't just say you suck and should give up writing or anything like that telll me what i suck at, and saying i suck a writing in general doesn't count.)

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