Mental Exhaustion

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May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy
Colossians 1:11

So, I’m talking about mental exhaustion, well burnout but mental exhaustion sounds more intellectual so I’m using it for…the first line.

Burnout is something that is something that is unbelievably common in the world, and it seems to be getting more common. Thinking back (and I don’t know if it was because I was an ignorant or anything or if it is something that became more prevalent as I grew up) I don’t think people being burned out was as common as it is now.

I know that it happened all the time in the past, but it seems that as time goes on more and more people (not just in my age group and older but even in younger age groups) are getting burned out. I mean I see people who when I was their age I was just coasting through life, getting burned out.

Personally, I think that the main issue with all of this is the thought of having it all.

“Having it all” is the idea that you can find success in your career, raise a child, maintain every relationship you ever had to the highest level and take care of yourself all at the same time. It is not a bad thought to have but it can be bad.

This when taken to its extreme can be a bad thing and a dangerous mindset. There is only so much time in the day, so many skills one can acquire and so many emotional energy one can expend. For example, there is no way that new parents will be able to instantly take care of themselves and maintain all their relations since they probably are in way over their head.

There will always be problems when reaching for you goals many that aren’t discussed. Finding balance when reaching for your goals is something that really should be discussed more. Since trying to have it all can quickly lead to burnout with people pushing themselves and chastising themselves for something that might be unattainable.

We all like superheroes but we all can’t be Batman and Ironman who seem to be able to do it all (but then we don’t all have billions of dollars as well as butlers to help us out).

This means that when we have things going bad for us and things are getting harder for us, we need to ask for help. We need to find that balance in

I guess I believe “Having it all” should simply be being happy and achieving the thing that one wants but is rarely ever what people talk about with that phrase.

On top of all of that social media is planting fake ideas of what lives others are living and making the insecure want to achieve that unreachable level. I mean from photoshop to perspective tricks to outright lies you really shouldn’t believe what you see there (not even getting into those people who take multiple pictures of that one time they can achieve their peak and then post those throughout the year).

In the end all am saying is that try your best to achieve your goals and when you get to the limits of your abilities. Look around yourself and ask for help from those that can help you, just be careful who you ask since there are bad people in the world. Also, don’t use social media as a view of reality, you’ll just break yourself.

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Published by The Lion's pen

aspiring author putting my words out into the world. I really hope you enjoy it, if you don't give me some criticism and i will take it into consideration (and please don't just say you suck and should give up writing or anything like that telll me what i suck at, and saying i suck a writing in general doesn't count.)

3 thoughts on “Mental Exhaustion

  1. I decided to look into mental exhaustion and all of that, I hope that you enjoy this post. If you do leave a like, a comment and follow the blog. If you want to get in contact with me for any reason all the links for my social media are linked below.



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